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May 20, 2004 8:59 pm A Training Tid-Bit
Nancy Verini
You can't build a house with a screwdriver. Every business requires many tools, and you have to use them correctly, efficiently, and professionally. This is one of the tools you'll need to start up your business and keep it running. As your business grows, you can advance to more complicated, advanced tools, but this is the bare minimum of what you need if you are serious about being a professional online.


You can have free email accounts with Yahoo, Hotmail, and countless others. If your budget can cover a paid email account, or your ISP provides email accounts as part of your service, you should use it as your business email. Your emails take on a more professional appearance, and so will your business.

Your Address. Nothing irritates me more than an email claiming to be a wonderful business opportunity, yet the address of the sender is something like iamsodarncute@something.com or worse yet, sexual innuendos. I would not reply to a business that can't take him/herself seriously enough to use a professional name. When I purchase lead lists, I delete the names (even though I paid for them) that are inappropriate because I don't want to be affiliated with a downline that cannot or will not make a professional appearance. When you work from home, its ok to wear pajamas, sweat pants, and be comfortable, but your email is probably going to be your first formal contact with potential customers, and it MUST make a professional appearance on your behalf. Save the cute names for you personal emails, but don't ever put a cute or inappropriate name on a business email. The only people that will take you seriously will be the people you don't want to do business with.

Unusual fonts and colors are lots of fun, but they have no place in a business email. You may think that a script font is pretty, but your recipients won't squint to read your brilliant copy if it hurts their eyes, or its annoying to them. Its ok to use a pale background, but keep the copy itself black. You want your emails to informative, welcoming, and easy to read, not a challenge to get through!

Your email signature is your online business card. It can be as simple as your name, your business URL, and your company slogan. There are services that can add an actual business card to the end of every email you send. If you design a business card to use as a signature, the same rules of professionalism apply.

Spelling and Grammar! Use your spell checker and grammar checker. These tools are readily available with every word processing program, and most email services. If your email service doesn't provide these, create your copy in your word processor,check it and copy it to your email. Keep your language clean and proper, there is absolutely no room for cursing, or otherwise "colorful adjectives".

If you'd like to see more training tidbits, visit our forum at www.home-business-builders.net, all of our training is free and yours for the taking!

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